Sep. 22, 2023Notification
Selection of Proposals (second call) for the FY2023 (JPN) "Infrastructure Development Study for Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM Feasibility Study (FS))" (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Project)
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. will be conducting the FY2023 (JPN) "Infrastructure Development Survey for Joint Credit Mechanism Acquisition, etc. (JCM Feasibility Study (FS) as a commissioned project from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Trade and Industry (Responsible Party: Global Environment Section, Industry, Technology and Environment Bureau). As part of this project, we are calling for proposals for the "JCM Feasibility Study (FS)."
Sep. 19, 2023Event
Announcement: A Webinar for University Officials Titled "Campus Reorganization in Need: The Role of Universities in the Community and Methods of Co-Creation"
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Osamu OMOTO) will be hosting a webinar for university-related parties titled "Campus Reorganization in Need: The Role of Universities in the Community and Methods of Co-Creation."
Sep. 11, 2023Press Release
"Experimental Study to Improve Rambling Activities through New Mobility Vehicles in the Waterfront Area of Central Yokohama - Demonstration of Circular Traffic at Yamashita Park" Will be Held
Park Line Promotion Council (hereinafter "PL"), whose representative companies are Taisei Corp. and PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD., Ltd. (President and Representative Director, Osamu OMOTO), will conduct a demonstration project of "Circuit Transportation with New Mobility Experiences" in Yamashita Park, as well as a demonstration project of creating a comfortable space that will contribute to improving mobility and retention, with the aim of improving mobility in the waterfront area of central Yokohama (hereinafter "This Demonstration Project").
Sep. 1, 2023Notification
Notice of Closure due to Foundation Day
We will be closed on September 4 due to Anniversary of Establishment of the Company. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Aug. 10, 2023Notification
Received FY2022 ZENKEN Award (Roads Category)
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Osamu OMOTO) has received FY2022 ZENKEN Award from Japan Construction Engineers' Association for analyzing detailed structure for Tamagawa Sky Bridge. This is the second occasion for PCKK to be awarded, following FY2021 Tanaka Award (Works Award) from Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
Aug. 4, 2023Notification
Three Construction Consulting Companies have Created a "Problem-Solving Platform of O-Komarigoto Kaiketsu Platform (OPF)" for Local Governments and Residents
LCDM (Life Cycle Data Management) *1, Research Organization for Civil Consultants that PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Osamu OMOTO) participates, has established a "Problem-Solving Platform" with the aim of utilizing the know-how it has accumulated as a construction consultant to help resolve regional issues and promote urban development.
Jul. 24, 2023Notification
Second Call for Proposals for the FY2023(JPN) "Infrastructure Development Study Project for Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM Feasibility Study (FS))" (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Project)
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. will be conducting the FY2023 (JPN) "Infrastructure Development Survey for Joint Credit Mechanism Acquisition, etc. (JCM Feasibility Study (FS) as a commissioned project from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Trade and Industry (Responsible Party: Global Environment Section, Industry, Technology and Environment Bureau). As part of this project, we are calling for proposals for the "JCM Feasibility Study (FS)."
Jul. 10, 2023Notification
Advance Notice regarding the Second Call for Proposal for the FY2023 (JPN) "Infrastructure Development Study for Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM Feasibility Study (FS))" (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Project)
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. is a commissioned project from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) (Responsible section: Global Environment Section of Industry, Technology and Environment Boreau) as part of the FY2023 (JPN) "Infrastructure Development Study Project for Obtaining Joint Credit Mechanism, etc. (JCM Feasibility Study (FS) Feasibility Study (FS)". The study took place from Monday, April 24, 2023 to Friday, May 26, 2023, and received 15 applications.
Jul. 10, 2023Notification
Selection of Proposals for the FY2023 (JPN) "Infrastructure Development Study for Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM Feasibility Study (FS))" (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Project)
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. is a commissioned project from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) (Responsible section: Global Environment Section of Industry, Technology and Environment Boreau) as part of the FY2023 (JPN) "Infrastructure Development Study Project for Obtaining Joint Credit Mechanism, etc. (JCM Feasibility Study (FS) Feasibility Study (FS)". The study took place from Monday, April 24, 2023 to Friday, May 26, 2023, and received 15 applications.
Jul. 3, 2023Notification
Notice: Change of Building Name of East Hokkaido Office
We would like to inform you that the name of the building of Hokkaido Branch Office, East Hokkaido Office has changed.
Jun. 29, 2023Press Release
We Verifies Effectiveness of the Health Supporting Roadside Station "SMART WELLNESS TOWN MUTSUZAWA Tsudoi-no-Sato" in Collaboration with Chiba University.
SMART WELLNESS TOWN MUTSUZAWA Tsudoi-no-Sato (along Otaki Ichinomiya Route, Road No. 150, Mutsusawa-cho, Chosei-gun, Chiba Prefecture), operated as a PFI business by PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Osamu OMOTO), is based on the results of existing research showing that opportunities to go out and meet people contribute to improving subjective health.
Jun. 19, 2023Event
We Will be Exhibiting our Services at "The 3rd Smart City EXPO" Government & Public Sector Week 2023
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Address: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Osamu OMOTO) will be exhibiting at "The 3rd Smart City EXPO" to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from Wednesday, June 28, 2023 to Friday, June 30, 2023.
Jun. 16, 2023Notification
Our Company's Kazushi MURAKAMI has been Awarded the Title of Honorary Member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers
The FY2022 (JPY) Japan Society of Civil Engineers Awards Ceremony was held on June 9, 2023, and our company's Kazushi MURAKAMI was awarded the title of honorary member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
Jun. 14, 2023Press Release
Publication of Research Results in the International Academic Journal "Freshwater Biology"
Kyoto University National Institute for Environmental Studies Studies PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. PACIFIC CONSULTANTS ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH CO., LTD. Kyoto University, National Institute for Environmental Studies Studies, PACIFIC CONSULTANTS Co., Ltd.
Jun. 2, 2023Press Release
Received the FY2023 "Urban Landscape Award", Special Award "Urban Landscape Day", Executive Committee, Chairman's Award
"Hankyu Kobe Sannomiya Station Area" which includes Sankita Square and Sankita Street, designed by our company, won the Special Award "Urban Landscape Day", Executive Committee, Chairman's Award at the FY2023 (JPN) "Urban Landscape Award".
May 26, 2023Notification
President and Representative Director, Osamu OMOTO was Appointed to be the Vice Chairman of (General Incorporated Association) The Japan Civil Engineering Consultants Association
We are pleased to announce that our President and Representative Director, Osamu OMOTO, was appointed to be the Vice Chairman of (General Incorporated Association) The Japan Civil Engineering Consultants Association at the extraordinary Board of Directors held following the association's regular General Meeting on May 25, 2023.
May 24, 2023Event
We Will be Exhibiting our Services at Construction Technology Open House "EE Tohoku '23"
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Address: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Osamu OMOTO) will be exhibiting our services at Construction Technology Open House "EE Tohoku '23" to be held in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture on Wednesday, Jun. 7 and Thursday, Jun. 8, 2023.
Apr. 28, 2023Notification
Report on Participation in the 3rd World BOSAI Forum
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS has had various contacts with International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University in the course of recovery and reconstruction work following the Great East Japan Earthquake. Based on the memorandum of understanding concluded in 2017 regarding "Collaboration and Cooperation in Promoting the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction," the company has continuously collaborated with Tohoku University and has also supported World BOSAI Forum as a corporate supporter.
Apr. 26, 2023Notification
Roadside Station Koura Will Launch Japan's First NFT-based Service, "Koura Mate."
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & Representative Director: Osamu OMOTO) is the designated manager roadside station Seseragi no Sato Koura (Along the National Road No. 307, Kora-cho, Inukami-gun, Shiga Prefecture; hereafter referred to as "roadside station Koura"), which is the first roadside station in Japan to be built in the area. *1 We will be launching a service called "Koura Mate" that utilizes NFTs.
Apr. 24, 2023Notification
Call for Proposals for the FY2023 (JPN) "Infrastructure Development Survey for Joint Credit Mechanism Acquisition, etc. (JCM Feasibility Study (FS))" (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)'s Project)
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. will be conducting the FY2023 (JPN) "Infrastructure Development Survey for Joint Credit Mechanism Acquisition, etc. (JCM Feasibility Study (FS) as a commissioned project from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Trade and Industry (Responsible Party: Global Environment Section, Industry, Technology and Environment Bureau). As part of this project, we are calling for proposals for the "JCM Feasibility Study (FS)."
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