Oct. 5, 2021Press Release
Announcement of Launch of Initiative to provide BCP Consulting-related Services in Collaboration with JX PRESS Corp.'s AI Risk Information Distribution Service
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President Executive Officer, Tomoyuki SHIGENAGA), in cooperation with JX PRESS Corp. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director, Katsuhiro YONESHIGE), has launched an initiative to provide BCP consulting-related services.
Oct. 4, 2021Press Release
Announcement of the Formulation of "Mid-term Management Plan 2024 ~ Growth with You, Future with You. ~"
In order to achieve our Group Vision 2030, PACIFIC CONSULTANTS GROUP will commence a three-year plan, "Mid-term Management Plan 2024 ~ Growth with you, Future with ...
Oct. 1, 2021Notification
Request to Customers Regarding Preventive Measures against COVID-19 (continued)
As a preventive measure against the new coronavirus infection, we will continue to implement the following measures across the company. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Sep. 15, 2021Notification
[70th Anniversary Website] Interview Article Published
We are pleased to announce that we have posted a new interview with the two of them on our 70th anniversary website under the section "Voices" (a section introducing comments from people who have a close relationship with PCKK).
Sep. 7, 2021Event
Announcement of Speech at SoftBank World 2021 (Mr. SHIGENAGA, Representative Director and President Executive Officer
We will be participating in the online event "SoftBank World 2021 - Learn About the Current State of DX. See the Vision for Tomorrow" hosted by SoftBank Corp.
Sep. 6, 2021Press Release
The 70th Anniversary Website is Launched
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. celebrated its 70th anniversary on September 4, 2021. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of our customers and stakeholders who have supported us throughout this journey.
Aug. 27, 2021Press Release
Announcement on the 70th Anniversary of Foundation
We were founded as U.S. Corporation in 1951 with the goal of "contributing to Japan's post-war reconstruction through technology." Since then, we have provided consulting services centered on infrastructure engineering to address the complex social challenges that change with the times.
Jul. 21, 2021Notification
We Registered as an Implementing Organization for "Telework Days 2021"
Our company supports the purpose of the government-leading "Telework Days 2021" and has registered as an implementing organization. Aiming to reduce the number of employees commuting to work, we will utilize telework more than ever during the period (Jul. 19 to Sep. 5) to promote work style reform and work to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Jul. 14, 2021Notification
Request to Customers Regarding Preventive Measures against COVID-19 (continued)
As a preventive measure against the new coronavirus infection, we will continue to implement the following measures across the company. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Jul. 8, 2021Press Release
Rapid On-Site Measuring Method Using Environmental DNA that Enables Biological Survey within 30 Minutes of Water Sampling
The research groups of Hideyuki DOI (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo), PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD., and Go!Foton Corp. (Representative Director, Naofumi NISHIZAWA) have developed a rapid field measuring method that allows environmental DNA surveys to be conducted in the field in 30 minutes simply by pumping water, and published in Molecular Ecology Resources, a top journal in molecular ecology.
Jul. 6, 2021Press Release
Supporting Infrastructure Diagnostics with Technology that Combines Metrology and AI to Efficiently and Effectively Identify Deformations Caused by External Forces in Tunnels
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. has developed an AI that can estimate the occurrence of "deformation due to external forces," the most important category of tunnel deformation, by combining AI with data measured by the MIMM-R, a mobile measurement vehicle equipped with high-resolution cameras and various sensors (hereinafter referred to as MIMM-R).
Jul. 6, 2021Press Release
Being Selected as a Project Operator for the Tokyo Data Platform for "Smart Tokyo"
PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. has been selected as a project operator for "Private Data Utilization" in the Tokyo Data Platform Case Study Project run by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Jul. 2, 2021Event
Announcement of a Webinar for Local Governments on "Mobility Policies with a View to the Next 5 to 10 Years"
As society undergoes a period of great change, including changes in lifestyles and transportation needs in the post-COVID-19, new mobility technological innovations such as autonomous driving and MaaS, efforts toward carbon neutrality, and the use of diverse data against a backdrop of rapid digitalization, this seminar will provide a wide-ranging explanation of how transportation should be thought about in the next five to ten years, as well as ways of implementing it, in order to realize sustainable regions.
Jul. 1, 2021Notification
Our Chairman, Shinichi HASEGAWA, was Awarded the Title of Honorary Member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers
We are pleased to announce that our chairman, Shinichi HASEGAWA, was awarded the title of honorary member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers at the FY2021 Annual General Meeting.
Jun. 24, 2021Event
Announcement of a Conference on the Use of "Human Flow Data"
In cooperation with SoftBank Corp., we will be participating in "Super City / Smart City OSAKA 2021 - Smart Cities of the Future EXPO & Conference". At the conference on July 8, employees from SoftBank Corp and PACIFIC CONSULTANTS will be on stage to give talks (in the form of a dialogue).
Jun. 7, 2021Press Release
Declaring the PACIFIC CONSULTANTS' Decarbonization Management "Pacific Net Zero"
The Group was one of the first to begin consulting on climate change measures after Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988, and has been involved in a wide range of consulting and business related to the environment, energy, and other areas both in Japan and overseas for over 30 years.
May 28, 2021Notification
Tomoyuki SHIGENAGA, Representative Director and President Executive Officer was appointed to be Vice Chairman of The Japan Civil Engineering Consultants Association
We are pleased to announce that our Representative Director and President Executive Officer, Tomoyuki SHIGENAGA, has been appointed to be Vice Chairman of The Japan Civil Engineering Consultants Association at an extraordinary board of directors held after the regular General Meeting.
May 28, 2021Event
Announcement of a Webinar for Local Governments on "The Frontline of Infrastructure Maintenance and Management"
As infrastructure continues to deteriorate, there is a need to carry out efficient, effective and sustainable maintenance management amidst budget and personnel cost constraints. In response to these demands, we will introduce cutting-edge business methods and management approaches that could serve as prescriptions for dealing with aging infrastructure, focusing on initiatives for road facilities.
May 24, 2021Event
Announcement of a Webinar for Local Governments on "PPP/PFI for a Better Society"
As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, there is a need to improve the worsening financial situation as well as build a new normal for the post-COVID-19 society. In response to these demands, we will be holding a free webinar exclusively for local governments to explain how to actively utilize PPP/PFI to provide public services efficiently and effectively.
May 19, 2021Notification
Being Received the FY2020 Tanaka Award (Works Category) of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers
We are pleased to announce that "Naka Bridge" (Minami-sanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture), designed by ou JV with Kengo Kuma & Associates, has been awarded the 2020 Tanaka Award (Works Category) from the Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
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