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Jan. 14, 2022
Press Release

Notice of the Formulation of the "New Work Style Promotion Policy"

PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & Representative Director: Tomoyuki SHIGENAGA) is pleased to announce that it has formulated a "New Workstyle Promotion Policy" (hereinafter, "this Policy") in order to promote workstyles that lead to sustainable growth even in this era of rapid change.
This policy was compiled based on proposals from the "New Work Style Consideration Project Team (28 members)" consisting of young and mid-career employees established in April 2021, exchanges of opinions with management executives, and a wide range of opinions from within the workplace. Various measures will be promoted throughout the company toward September 2024, the target year of the "Medium-term Management Plan 2024 "


  • The new way of working aims to increase productivity, create new value, grow together, and experience happiness (well-being = physical and mental health) by having members work together as a team.
    *A team is a group of people who transcend all boundaries (expertise, status, distance) and who communicate and work together toward a common objective or goal, including between one's own department, other departments, and external members.
  • Our strengths are our free and easy and open corporate culture, comprehensive and advanced technological capabilities, and advanced WLB and D&I management. On the other hand, issues such as quality assurance, human resource development, and communication have come to the forefront due to teleworking. We have put together a new way of working based on the premise of strengthening and passing on these strengths, overcoming challenges, and achieving sustainable growth as a company.
  • Based on the recognition that "our value is our human resources," we are working to create a system that supports flexible working styles and allows everyone to work in a healthy state, both physically and mentally, in response to the diversification of lifestyles and values that have created a demand for balancing and synergy between work and private time, such as childcare, nursing care, and self-improvement. Our company is aiming for 100% paternity leave takers, and currently stands at 62%* (a five-fold increase in three years). In 2019, we were certified with "Platinum Kurumin" and "Eruboshi (two stars)," and also received the Special Encouragement Award in the Work-Life Balance Support Category of the Ikumen Company Awards.
    *Percentage of male full-time employees who had children born between October 2019 and September 2020
  • We have established three work styles for the future: "autonomous work style" that allows employees to think and act independently in response to various changes, "team work style" that allows employees to grow and work together to utilize their strengths to produce results, and "work style that allows employees to choose their own time and place" to perform at their best. The four pillars of the measures to achieve this are "climate, culture, communication, and human resources," "work process," "environment, tools," and "systems." We will implement various measures based on these pillars, leading to sustainable growth as a company, the inheritance and improvement of technological capabilities, and becoming a company that people want to continue working for and join.

<Reference materials>
New ways of working (big picture)



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