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Jun. 26, 2024
Press Release

Website for the Visualisation of  User Movements at Stations, Highway Interchanges, and Airports  Across the Country

PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Osamu OMOTO; hereinafter "PACIFIC CONSULTANTS"), in cooperation with SoftBank Corp. (hereinafter "SoftBank"), has launched the 'Nation-Wide Movement Statistics "Visualization Map"' *1 which visualizes the movements of 120 million people across the country.  

Click here for the 'Nation-Wide Movement Statistics" Visualization Map"' website▼

What is the 'Natio-Wide Movement Statistics "Visualization Map"' ?
This map, provided by PACIFIC CONSULTANTS using Softbank's people flow statistics data service "Nation-Wide Movement Statistics" allows you to visually grasp the movement of 120 million people nationwide. With one click, you can view people movement data for stations, highway interchanges, airports, and specific areas for free, which can significantly reduce the cost of investigating traffic volume, etc.

Purpose of the publication of the 'Nation-Wide Movement Statistics "Visualization Map"'
When addressing various social issues, such as revitalizing local communities, improving transportation services, and ensuring safety and security, it is important not only to verify the effectiveness of such measures in advance, but also to thoroughly analyze the causes of the issues.
On the other hand, in many areas, including urban planning and town development, roads and railways, real estate and commerce, and tourism, decisions are still often made based on experience and intuition rather than on data.
In order to implement more efficient and effective measures, we believe it is first necessary to fully understand the "movement of people = people flow" which is the root cause of social issues, and have therefore released a "Visualization Map" that visualizes people flow.

'Nation-Wide Movement Statistics "Visualization Map"' is amazing here!
 1. This is a groundbreaking website that lets you see at a glance the usage status of stations, expressways, and airports across the country!
Click on the station, highway interchange, or airport you want to check, and the top 10 locations from which users travel will be displayed on the map as lines. In addition, the origin of travel and the user's place of residence will be displayed in a pie chart, and you can easily select "weekdays" or "holidays," etc.
In addition, you can use heat maps to display the mode share and volume of people moving around in a mesh (500m square) selected on the map.


Click here for detailed instructions▼

今まで駅・高速IC・空港の利用状況を知るためには、膨大な時間とコストを費やして様々な調査を行う必要がありました。「全国うごき統計『見える化マップ』」では、直感的かつ簡単な操作で施設やエリアの人の移動情報がわかります。従来の“調査 ”を実施する前段階において、“概要把握のための事前調査” として使用することで、調査にかかる時間とコストを大幅に削減することができます。

「全国うごき統計『 見える化マップ』」サイトに表示されるグラフやマップは、公的(非営利)の目的であればどなたでもご自由にお使いいただけます(営利目的の無断利用は禁止)。ご使用の際は、マップに表示される「利用規約」を必ずご一読ください。




*1 The name and logo of "Nation-wide Movement Statistics" are trademarks of SoftBank.
*2 "Nation-wide Movement Statistics" is a people flow statistics data service jointly developed by PACIFIC CONSULTANTS and SoftBank and provided by SoftBank.
*3 After being anonymized and statistically processed to prevent the identification of individuals, data from a small number of people was kept confidential.

PACIFIC CONSULTANTS will continue to provide new value and innovation to society by identifying social issues that change with the times and social issues that will arise in the future, and resolving them with advanced services centered on infrastructure engineering.



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