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Apr. 1, 2024
Press Release

Certification Obtained for SBT Net Zero Target for Greenhouse Gas Reduction

PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Osamu OMOTO) is pleased to announce that it has certified  for its net zero target from Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) *1 , an organization that certifies Science Based Targets (SBT) that Paris Agreement defines are scientifically consistent with Emission Reduction Targets set out in greenhouse gas.

Certified Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets (PCKK Group)


As of March 2024, 15 domestic companies (excluding small and medium-sized enterprises) have obtained Long-Term Targets certification, making this the first time such certification has been obtained in the construction consulting industry.

Our vision is to "Producing the Future" and we are working on the transition to a sustainable society through our business activities. In the area of climate change action, in addition to our Group's decarbonizing , we are supporting the decarbonization of society, communities, and businesses (mitigation measures) and the resilience of social infrastructure and systems against natural disasters (adaptation measures).

We will continue to work with our stakeholders to realize a sustainable society.

20240401_SBT.PNG*1 An international initiative and a global standard for setting targets in line with the Paris Agreement and was jointly established in 2015 by CDP, the UN Global Compact, WRI (World Resources Institute), and WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) to promote the achievement of science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.

*2 Scope 1: Direct emissions from our Group (fuel use, etc.)
Scope 2: Indirect emissions associated with the use of electricity supplied by other companies (office lighting, etc.)
Scope 3: Indirect emissions other than Scopes 1 and 2 (purchased products services, business trips and others.)



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