Announcement of a Webinar for Local Governments on "Mobility Policies with a View to the Next 5 to 10 Years"
As society undergoes a period of great change, including changes in lifestyles and transportation needs in the post-COVID-19, new mobility technological innovations such as autonomous driving and MaaS, efforts toward carbon neutrality, and the use of diverse data against a backdrop of rapid digitalization, this seminar will provide a wide-ranging explanation of how transportation should be thought about in the next five to ten years, as well as ways of implementing it, in order to realize sustainable regions.
Date and Time: Friday, August 20, 2021, 14:00-15:30
Contents: 1. Data-Driven Public Transport Planning
2. At the Forefront of Promoting Bicycle Use
3. Implementing Pedestrian Traffic Planning that Puts People at the Center
4. Utilizing New Mobility Technologies for the Future of Mobility
5. Use of Human Flow Data Service "Nation-Wide Movement Statistics"
For application procedures and details, please seeHere