Notification of Article Published in the Daily Engineering and Construction News <Shibuya Regeneration Project>
From November 18 (Mon) to 25 (Mon), 2024, the Daily Engineering and Construction News Editorial/Column [front page] ran a series of five articles titled "Contributing Once in a Century - PACICON and Shibuya Renovation."
Our company was introduced to how we have contributed as a construction consultant to the Shibuya Regeneration Project, which we have been working on for many years, in cooperation with the government, the local community, and other companies.
November 18 (Mon)
Contributing "Once in a Century" - PACICON and Shibuya Renovation 1 / Railway Reorganization Becomes an Opportunity to Resolve Pending Issues
November 19 (Tue)
Contributing "Once in a Century" - PACICON and Shibuya Renovation 2 / Stations Cannot be Moved, So We Change the Premise and Optimize it
November 20 (Wed)
Contributing "Once in a Century" - PACICON and Shibuya Renovation 3 / Utilizing the River to Open Up the Town
November 22 (Fri)
Contributing "Once in a Century" - PACICON and Shibuya Renovation 4 / Unravelling the Complex Puzzle
November 25 (Mon)
Contributing "Once in a Century" - PACICON and Shibuya Renovation 5 / Being the Cog that Connects the Parties Involved
*Permission to use each article has been obtained from the Nikkan Construction Industry Newspaper Company.
*Articles cannot be downloaded or printed.