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Integrated Development Project of SAGA Sunrise Park + Eiko Bridge + Saga City Cultural Center - West Square

The National Athletic Meet, which has long been affectionately known as the KOKUTAI (National Sports), will be renamed the "National Sports Festival" and the first tournament will be held in Saga in October 2024. The shift from "physical education to sports" was also reflected in the concept of venue development, and the venue was required to be used as a base for everyday sports and health that would be popular in the local area for a long time even after the tournament ended. To achieve this, a total design that looks to the future is essential, without being bound by distinctions between prefecture and city, architecture and civil engineering, or hardware and software. Ryuji KAMIDE of the Urban Design Sec. of the Osaka Social Innovation Dept., who was in charge of the exterior design of SAGA Sunrise Park and the Cultural Center-West Square, and Shuichi NONAKA of the Structure Sec. of the Kyushu Transportation Infrastructure Dept., who was mainly responsible for the design of Eiko Bridge, looked back on the initiative.

What is Public-Private Partnership (PPP)?

As it becomes more difficult to maintain public facilities and services due to financial constraints and a decline in local government employees, the government is strongly supporting the promotion of public-private partnership (PPP) initiatives as a means to solve social issues and drive a growth-oriented economy. We spoke with Takayuki Ishikawa, head of PPP Management Dept., and Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, General Manager of the Infrastructure PPP Office in the same department, about the benefits of PPP and the key to its success.

Sanjo City's Comprehensive Private Sector Outsourcing Project

Sanjo City, which has been actively promoting comprehensive private sector outsourcing for infrastructure maintenance and management, began Phase III (5-year) of outsourcing in the spring of 2024. PACIFIC CONSULTANTS has been participating as a member of the joint venture (JV) that will receive comprehensive outsourcing since Phase II (April 2019 - March 2024), which precedes this. This is the first time for a construction consultant in the country to do so. Why did the local construction companies join a mainly made up JV, and what kind of results produced? Nobutaka INAMITSU, General Manager of the Spatial Creation Sect. of Infrastructure Management Dept., Transportation Infrastructure Div. who is at the center of the initiative, along with Ryo NAKAI and Masahiro MATSUOKA from the same section, explain the story.

Hokuriku Shinkansen Tsuruga Extension Project Vol.2 ~Miyama Tunnel~

The Miyama Tunnel, located just before the end of the line at Tsuruga Station, is less than 800 meters long. It is much shorter than the Shin-Hokuriku Tunnel (approximately 19.8 km) and the Kaga Tunnel (approximately 5.5 km). However, this tunnel was one of the tunnels that required particular environmental consideration in the construction of the Hokuriku Shinkansen extension. Miyama is one of the water sources for the Nakaikemi Wetland - a wetland registered with Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, and it was necessary to minimize the impact on the groundwater.

Why is it Regional Decarbonization Now? Toward Promotion of the Regional GX

In October 2020, the Japanese government declared its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050 with zero emissions of greenhouse gas overall. A major key to achieving this goal is the "local area," where small and dispersed emission sources, such as small and medium-sized businesses and households, are concentrated. We asked Gen IKEMOTO of Social Innovation Div., GX Promotion Dept., Executive Consultant; Junichiro SAITO of Climate and Resources Policy Sec.; and Toru TSUNEOKA, also of Regional Decarbonization Sec., about how far regional decarbonization has progressed, what the challenges are, and how it should be promoted in the future.

What is Comprehensive Entrustment of Infrastructure to Private Sector?

How to protect infrastructure such as roads with limited personnel and budgets is a major issue for local governments. One promising method that is garnering attention is "Comprehensive Entrustment to Private Sector." We spoke with three people from PACIFIC CONSULTANTS who have pioneered this field and have achieved many successes: Nobutaka INAMITSU of the Spatial Creation Section, Infrastructure Management Dept., Transportation Infrastructure Div.; Kazuya MURAMATSU of the Infrastructure PPP Section, PPP Management Dept., Social Innovation Div.; and Shigeto TANAKA of the Infrastructure Management Section, Transportation Infrastructure Dept., Osaka Headquarters.

What is Green Infrastructure?

The term as green infrastructure is becoming more common. Green infrastructure is the term refers to the idea and initiatives to utilize various functions and mechanisms of nature to create rich living spaces and prepare for disasters. However, the areas covered are extremely broad, ranging from urban areas to mountainous areas, and the content of the initiatives is diverse, making it not easy to get a concrete image of what it means. We interviewed Shogo OGASAWARA, Environmental Symbiosis Dept., Social Innovation Div. about what green infrastructure is and how it can be used.

Hokuriku Shinkansen Tsuruga Extension Project Vol.1 ~ Okura Yoza Bridge ~

The Shinkansen, which travels at a speed of 260km per hour, requires extremely high precision in its bridge piers. The allowable deflection is only a few millimeters. This is why engineers who aspire to be civil engineers think, "I want to work on the Shinkansen someday." Furthermore, the Okura Yoza Bridge had to be built on soft ground with a maximum pier's height of about 30m. This was one of the most difficult projects in the long history of Shinkansen construction.

What are the BCP Measures that Will Improve a Company's Credibility?

"Is the current BCP really useful?" Anxiety is growing against the backdrop of the worsening and frequent damages caused by floods and typhoons, and the increasing urgency of large-scale earthquakes and so on. However, there are many companies that have not even reviewed their BCP since they were formulated. What and how should be reviewed to make it more practical, and what should companies consider when formulating their BCP in the future? We talked to Gou YAMAMURA, General Manager of the Resilience Promotion Sec., Disaster Prevention Dept., Digital Service Div.

What is Area Resilience?

In August 8, 2024, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued a Nankai Trough Earthquake Advisory (warning of a massive earthquake) following a magnitude 7.1 earthquake that occurred in the Hyuga Sea, Miyazaki Prefecture. This event reminded us once again of the national-level disaster that is said to be "coming someday". Once a major disaster occurs, we cannot rely on government support alone. This is why area resilience is now attracting attention through PPP and collaboration among companies. We interviewed Shinji Iida, General Manager of Watershed Disaster Prevention Section, Disaster Prevention Dept., Digital Service Business Div. about area resilience and what kind of preparations are necessary.

What is Urban Optimization Management®?

PACIFIC CONSULTANTS is promoting initiatives based on the Urban Optimization Management ® concept, which aims to solve complex problems faced by cities by effectively utilizing and managing their infrastructure. We spoke with Tomonori TOKITA, General Manager of DX Business Promotion Dept., Digital Service Business Div. about how it differs from conventional problem-solving methods and the expected results.

How to Decarbonize Airports?

Efforts are underway in various fields to achieve carbon neutrality and a decarbonized society by 2050. Decarbonization of airports is one of these efforts, and decarbonization is urgently needed for airports, which serve as gateways to overseas destinations, in order to ensure their international competitiveness. However, there are many businesses at airports and a wide range of entities implementing initiatives, making it difficult to concretize and execute plans. We spoke to three people involved in the creation of the Ministry of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 's Airport Decarbonization Promotion Plan Guidelines: Motohiro KIDO, General Manager of the Aviation Planning Sec., Aviation Dept. and Takahiro IMAMURA, who works in the same Section; and Yamashita DAIKI, General Manager of the Energy Business Development Support Sec., Green Social Strategy Dept. about the key points in achieving decarbonization of airports.

What is Disaster Prevention and Resilience?

Since the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, adopted at the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, called for "Strengthening Resilience Against Disasters," resilience has become an important keyword in disaster prevention. We spoke with Takashi ITO, General Manager of the Disaster Prevention Dept., Digital Service Business Div. about resilience, which is said to be a step forward from conventional disaster prevention/reduction thoughts, and how it can be realized.

What is Sounding?

"Sounding-type market research" is rapidly expanding in PPP projects. As citizen needs become more diverse, it is becoming increasingly important to listen to the voices of private business operators in order to create and succeed in business. We spoke with Toru OGAWA of the Social Good Creation Sec., Integrated Project Dept., Social Innovation Div. about the current state and challenges of sounding research.

Key Points for Formulating and Reviewing Disaster Waste Disposal Plan

Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, the formulation of a "Disaster Waste Disposal Plan" became mandatory. It is said that approximately 80% of municipalities and 100% of prefectures have already formulated such plans, but to make the plans more effective, it is essential to review them regularly. We spoke to Junya UEDA, chief consultant of the Regional Environment Development Sec., Resource Circulation Management Dept., and Kosuke NOZUE, an engineer in the same Section, about the key points of the update.



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