Achievements Introduction

Development and practical application of river flow observation technology

Achievement Summary

Technology Development
Purpose Development and practical application of river flow observation technology
Facilities available On-site observation, data analysis
period 2010 (Heisei 22) to present

Experimental Scene

We conduct on-site demonstrations and indoor experiments of various flow velocity measurement technologies (ADCP, H-ADCP, radio current meter, image analysis method, etc.). We have jointly researched the "DIEX method," a numerical calculation method for calculating flow rate with high accuracy from a small amount of observation data, with Tokyo University of Science, and sell the DIEX-Flow series to the general public and river managers. We are developing and commercializing river and sewer flow rate observation technologies while acquiring various competitive research funds.

Japan's top class facilities and a system that can handle everything from basic experiments to consulting

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(Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:00)
